INGENOVA Servicios de ingeniería - Empresa de ingeniería
Proyecto Estudio de alternativas y proyecto básico

Alternatives study and basic project

Developed in: Spain

Date: 2015


Alternatives study and basic project of a production plant of granular potassium chloride (GMOP), standard potassium chloride (SMOP) and salt in a mine located in Aragon.

Alternatives study: analysis of possible storage solutions for the product from the mine to feed the process and transport the mineral, based on the requirements set by the client.

Mechanical engineering: implementation of all the necessary equipment for the operation of the facility, implementation of warehouses/storage parks and material transport belts and economic assessment.

Civil engineering: basic definition of the warehouses/parks and of the metal and concrete structures necessary to support and provide service to all the equipment and conveyor belts.

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